Coping with the stress of infertility
When you undergo fertility treatments there is so much that you must deal with:
bureaucracy, pain, side effects of hormonal treatments, juggling your treatment schedule
with your work schedule, financial expenses, various checkups at different hours of the day.
In addition to all this you may experience and emotional overload: a sense of failure, feelings
of guilt or pessimism, regret over past choices and actions, feelings of anxiety, sadness and
even depression.
Fertility treatments are connected to all areas of your life and can affect major life decisions
such as the decision to change your place of work, relocate, your decision to search for a
partner if you are a single. It can have a major effect on your interactions with your friends
and family and requires you to oftentimes avoid things that you enjoyed doing in the past.
Furthermore, if you are in a relationship, you may feel guilt, or rather blame your partner for
the situation that you are in. This can create tension in your relationship, making this
difficult time when you need each other's support more than ever, even more difficult.
Another difficult question you must deal with throughout fertility treatments is the nature of
the treatments: how long should you continue to undergo these treatments? Should you use
an oocyte/sperm donation? Is surrogacy a viable option for you?
For this reason, precisely, Daffy Koren is here to help you through the process.
Daffy Koren herself underwent fertility treatments, and it was through this process that she
become a mother of two. Since 2013, Daffy accompanies woman and couples through the
process of fertility treatment at the fertility center "From A to Z". She has an M.A in
educational counseling, studied couples and family therapy, is a certified CBT therapist
specializing in parental guidance, and underwent a course in fertility counseling.
As a patient in our clinical you are entitled to two free meeting, and the rest of the meetings
at a subsides rate.
You can choose to have these meetings one on one with daffy, or to be accompanied by
your partner.
Daffy is at the clinic on Tuesday and Friday mornings, as well as Wednesday afternoons. You
are welcome to give her a call or send in email to arrange a meeting.