The obstetric ultrasonography is one of the most important examinations during pregnancy. The goal of this exam is to rule out most congenital abnormalities.
The exam is performed in our clinic by Dr. Itai Bar-Hava, or Dr. David Danon during the 14th-16th week of pregnancy.
Usually, a transvaginal ultrasound is performed. Occasionally the physician may use an abdominal approach (depending on the position of the baby). During this exam the physician thoroughly assesses the fetal organs that have developed until the current stage of the pregnancy. This test can efficiently rule out mots fetal abnormalities despite the early stage of the pregnancy. During the exam cervical length is measured in order to estimate the risk for a late miscarriage / premature birth.
The exam itself is recorded and saved on a disk. Furthermore pictures are taken from various angles of the fetus/es. And the end of the exam a detailed report is received summarizing the findings of the exam.